Sonik Ball is a game about two balls bouncing; the mission is to expand your territory. It's a rather uncommon game when compared to the rest. It can be played online or offline if you download it.
When the game begins you'll see two balls on the screen. One of them is of green color and the other one is orange. The function of the green ball is to bounce all over the board and as it bounces it leaves a trailing green line behind it. The orange ball is your player and it also bounces and leaves trailing lines. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move this ball.
The purpose of the game is to move the orange ball to form squares or rectangles with the trailing lines that it leaves behind. Every time a rectangle is made it will be removed from the screen, thus leaving an empty area.
Once all the board is left empty you'll win the level. You have only three lives, so use them wisely to make them count. On the upper area of the screen you can see your lives left, the level you're playing and the score. You can pause or restart the game using the buttons on the lower area of the screen.